Sunday, January 2, 2011


I love the idea of a fresh start.
A brand new year gives me the perfect opportunity to make some.

While I have several resolutions, the main one I want to discuss is my desire to

practice contentment.

I need to be content in many areas of my life, but I'm going to start with my home and, in essence, my wallet.

I have said many times that I am easy to satisfy, just hard to keep satisfied. When I say it it sounds more comical than true, but I had someone else (besides hubby) say it (about me) the other day and for some reason it really hit hard.

First, let me say that as a decorator, my house will never be "finished."

I enjoy moving things around, freshing up a room with a new piece of furniture that I have thrifted and redone.

In fact, I have decorated my house in stages so while it seems like I am constantly re-doing things, I am actually making due until I can get what I really want for a space. My dining room, which I will be showing later, and my master bedroom are two such examples.

However, I do recognize that I spend much of my "me" time browsing flea markets and local boutiques for things to put in my house.

I don't need more things.

I have a walk-in closet full of accessories as I type. Thus, I decided that I need to practice contentment with what I have already been given.

At least for the month of January, contentment is going to entail NO SHOPPING.

No new pretties, new birds, or new pillows (yikes, I just remembered I wanted to redo my couch pillows...). I already have PLENTY of projects to keep my busy. And all the materials for the projects have already been purchased.

Project #1: Create a canopy for youngest daughter's bedroom.

White and zebra fabric? Check. Rod to hang canopy? Check.

Project #2: Redo this princess table and chairs.

Scrapbook paper for table and fabric for chairs? Check.

Project #3: Organize decorating closet.

New shelves installed? Check. Stuff on shelves to organize? Checkity check check.

Project #4: Creation of a "mom cave."

Space determined? Check. Accessories for said cave? Checkity check. Inspiration? Check.

Project #5: Redo master bedroom.

Fabric for curtains and dustruffle? Check. Paint? No check, I'll have to wait and buy paint in February. But I can go ahead and sew the bedding!

See, I already have enough to do. I should be too busy to shop.

If I feel the need for some "me" time, perhaps I should spend sometime with the

One True God instead of the god of money.

I'm not saying this isn't going to be hard. But I'm going to try for one month. I've already survived 2 days, only 29 more to go!

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