Saturday, April 24, 2010


Birds seem to be all the rage, from blogland to boutiques, you can find birds everywhere. I have become a little addicted to the fine feathery friends.
I have had to hold myself back and not pick up every single bird I come across.
O is a tough letter but here I am for post #2 of "O" week:

As I sit on my laptop, I can count almost 18 birds in my house (within 20 feet of me).
Is that bad? Is that borderline addiction?
Well, you evaluate the cuteness and tell me YOU could resist even one of these little guys.
This trio I got at my favorite Flea Market (I finally figured out what to call the place, part thrift, part antique store, part boutique). They were a weird greenish-brown, but I just gave them a shot of white spray paint and I think they are pretty content on their new perch.

Little Red Man I got from Lowe's. He has a yellow brother, but I don't have a home for him, he is sitting on a chair waiting for his perch.
(Oooh, that makes 19 birds, I forgot about him.)
I just fell in love with his fat little body even BEFORE I knew how cool birds were going to be
(I got him last year, pre-blog, pre-being that aware of trends.)
Maybe I do have a little sense of style after all!

I got three of these toile guys at Hobby Lobby. I love them. I have one on my computer cabinet (shown above) and the other two on lamps.

Okay, so I forgot about this bird too
(I actually thought of 4 more I forgot about. I'm up to 24. This is getting a little scary. Maybe I do have a problem.)
This one is on top of a cloche/birdhouse thingy. He is pretty cute too.

This bird sits on a top of a weathervane that is on a 3 footish tall stand. I got him for $5 at a different Flea Market. He's cute too...couldn't say no to him.

Seriously, could you have denied wire man a home? I didn't think so.

I have so many birds, I dedicated my spring mantle to even more birds:

I found three of these birds at Cato (a clothing store of all places). I love how they look like concrete and are little chubby guys.

This picture/canvas I found at Big Lots for $5. Couldn't resist. Really I couldn't, I stood there looking at it for like 30 whole seconds and I just couldn't make my hands put it back down.

This picture (and another above it) hubby got at an auction. He didn't really set out to get it. You know how auctions are, you are bidding on one thing and they start throwing a bunch of other stuff in with it hoping to get the bid to go higher. SO, technically, I didn't choose these so I COULD HAVE resisted them.
(Maybe I'm back to 21.)

Here is a full shot of the mantle.

Full shot of mantle and fireplace.

So, could you have turned any of those guys down?
If I had to choose one to lose, it would probably be the trio.
After that I would really have a hard time. They are all so different and I love them for different reasons. Don't make me choose!
I promise I won't buy anymore

Linking up with Funky Junk Donna:

Funky Junk's Saturday Nite Special

And those amazing chicks from:
All Thingz Related

I'm also having fun with Jenny the very creative lady at Jenny Matlock
Jenny Matlock


  1. I enjoy my birdies too. I branched out from well-mannered china birds to a very real and very noisy parakeet and now I've arrived at chicks. Yep, hopeless bird-lover!

  2. haha, I just bought a couple birds. They do seem to be very popular. My favorite I think is the little canvas from Big Lots, ours closed. I need to find another one. I count two at my house, I need to get to work and play catch up.

  3. awesome vignette!! I saw the $5 bird canvas too and had to have it.

  4. I love ALL your birds! Especially the toile ones from HL! I'm gonna have to look for some next time I go! Thanks for sharing @ Anything Related!

  5. I have some birds, but not nearly as many as you. Love yours and the mantel looks beautiful!

  6. your collection & mantel are amazing. love all the frames too!

    just read your profile statement. couldn't agree with you more about all the ideas & designs in blogland. such an amazing thing - blogland!

    have a great week!

  7. Alas I think the only birds I have are turkeys I use to decorate with at Thanksgiving. I am definatly not trendy but I can see how you fell in love!

  8. I love birds too. I keep mine outside. The cardinals are pretty cool customers; the mourning doves have just started to nest; chickadees and finches flit all over the yard; the crows mostly stay away this time of year; the robins are so big they look like they're going to burst; so far I haven't seen many jays.

    Seriously, you've found some true gems. I have a hummingbird lampshade thingy and a couple of tiny colorful bobblehead birds lurking around.

  9. I totally love your mantle display.

  10. I'm a fan of the figurines....especially little red man! If he turns up missing, please forget I mentioned that I liked him.....

  11. I don't think I have any birds in my house LOL. You have a lovely collection going. I love the fat one the best. He's so fun looking. Thanks for sharing.

  12. Well done, I love all your birds!
    Happy Thursday!
    Mine is here

  13. You ahve such good taste! I love the wire man the best! You would have love to have my maiden name....Dove. My hubby is also a lover of birds!

  14. Hi Molly, You know what you love...and it is funny how you found so many unique birds to scatter around your lovely home. You did a nice job linking these to the parties, very clever use of the letter O!!~

  15. Hi Molly! I don't think it can be an addiction because they're so darned cute!

    And those polka dot door pulls are really outstandingly adorable, too!

    Thanks for such a sweet stop on my little journey through Alphabe-Thursday's letter "O"!


  16. what an amazing collection you have!

  17. what a cute collection, gotta love birds!!!

  18. That collection is going to grow and grow!!

  19. You do have quite a bird collection. Very nice!

  20. You have fun birds. Quite a diverse and decorative collection. And your full mantle display is just lovely. Thank you for sharing them.

  21. Lovely collections - there is really something about a bird collections - they are so free and make me think of so many lovely things - springtime, new life, song, beautiful colours....
